Fukuoka Prefecture


Business Opportunities of Fukuoka/KyushuFunding needs


Future Quest Inc.

Company name
Future Quest Inc.
G's BASE FUKUOKA, 1-3-41 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, JAPAN 810-0041


contact (such as website and social media accounts)


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Business overview

We aim to integrate all maritime communications to promote the Digital Transformation of the ocean, thereby ensuring Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA). This will reduce vessel accidents, improve maritime traffic efficiency and promote maritime content services.

Business concept for addressing social issues

We offer a special communication infrastructure that connects VDES (the latest VHF digital communication system) with the internet network. This infrastructure facilitates digital communication between large and small vessels and between small vessels and ports.
This infrastructure facilitates digital communication between large vessels and small vessels, and between small vessels and ports. This will prevent accidents caused by human errors, often in an analog environment, and create a safer and more efficient maritime business environment.
The expansion of our unique communication infrastructure will lay the foundation for fostering maritime content services, contributing to digital transformation in the maritime industry, which has been challenging to achieve.
about Concept

Solving issues, mission/products and services for solving the issues

We promote maritime Digital Transformation and create a maritime environment where all vessels and ports are connected by deploying our CoastaLink services in the following three areas.

 1) “LAND” provides Internet-capable VDES communication equipment to port facilities, etc., to enable VDES communication between ports and coastal vessels.
 2) “AIR” offers APIs allowing users to access data servers connected to VDES and internet communication environments.
 3) “OCEAN” provides VDES communication equipment (transponder) rental service to small and medium vessels without equipment.

In addition, we also develop software for maritime communications using the above-mentioned “AIR” and provide consulting services related to maritime communications.
about solutions

Market overview/overview of the market entering (macro)

The market size in 2040 is estimated at 1.9 billion USD in Japan and 24.1 billion USD worldwide
(1 USD = 146 JPY).
about Market

Competition/comparing with competitors (micro)

We are the only company that owns a system connecting IP networks to VDES communication equipment, which is required for ocean-going vessels. We recognize that no other companies share our competitive domain.

We have developed both software and hardware and patented the system.
about Competition

Business plan

【Japanese Domestic Market】
The company will deploy the “CoastaLink” service and, at the same time, provide consulting services related to VDES communications to public institutions (in progress). Prior to the IPO, the company plans to increase its corporate value by acquiring SaaS providers and other companies.

【International Market】
We will begin offering CoastaLink services to port authorities in Southeast Asia, tailored to their specific needs. Our plan is to expand to the waters surrounding the world’s most important shipping routes, such as Suez, Malacca, and Bosporus, as we see them as a significant market.
about Business_Plan

Purpose for procuring fund/desired amount and usage, etc.

Use of Proceeds from this Series (Round).
 1) Hardware and software development costs for the implementation of the “CoastaLink” pilot service.
 2) Travel, transportation, outsourcing and miscellaneous expenses required for the above purposes.
 3) Sales and marketing costs.
 4) Technology patent acquisition costs.
about Use_of_Proceed

Introducing members of management

A team led by Takimoto, a marine engineer and maritime policy researcher, consists of experts in software and hardware development, finance, investor relations, international sales, business strategy, new market development, and public policy. The team also includes two interns.
about Members


►Unique concept and the only technology to solve the century-old problems in the maritime field by utilizing new technologies and systems.
►A management team with in-depth knowledge and practical experience in the maritime field.
►Participation in the formulation of international maritime communication rules.
►Expertise in technology, business development, and lobbying.
►The possession of an effective network for international business development and the ability to implement such a network.
about Sales_Points

ESG efforts

・By connecting fragmented maritime communications, we can quickly rescue vessels involved in accidents and prevent them from occurring.
→ Preventing oil pollution and preventing it from escalating in scale.

・Digitization and seamless maritime communication can enhance navigational safety and efficiency for waterway users.
→ Ensure navigational safety. Fuel savings. Reduced carbon emissions.

・By connecting fragmented maritime communications, we can quickly rescue vessels involved in accidents and prevent them.
→  Improved efficiency of lifesaving. Improved safety of navigation.

・Advance the digitization and informatization of the maritime sector to facilitate telemedicine and other applications on board ships.
→ Realize the same evolution of digital medicine at sea as on land.

・The capabilities of AIS in VDES can enhance the maritime domain awareness (MDA) capabilities.
→ Improved maritime security capabilities. Further, improve territorial maritime governance through the use of data.

・Digitize and make maritime communications seamless to improve maritime domain awareness (MDA) capabilities.
→ Protection of fisheries resources (Monitoring of illegal operations).

・Sharing information on fishing gear installation through seamless maritime communications will prevent damage and accidents caused by fishing nets.
→ Improved navigation safety. Reduction of economic losses in the fishing industry.

・The process of digitalizing maritime communications will broaden the scope of utilization of data related to vessel operations.
→ Increased efficiency of ports. Emergence of various services.

・Digitalization of maritime communications to support automated vessels, etc.
→ Reduction of manpower in vessel operations. Improved efficiency of port operations. Improved safety (reduction of human error).

・The digitalization of maritime communications aims to enhance the efficiency of port entry and exit operations.
→ Improved efficiency of port operations. Improved safety (reduction of human error).

・To improve the security of communication, consider implementing VDES.
→ Ensure cyber security of vessels.

・Sharing certification and operational information related to fisheries can be facilitated through the use of VDES.
→ Prevention of illegal fishing. Conservation of marine resources.

・Digitalized maritime communications enable remote vessel inspections.
→ Manpower saving. Improved operational efficiency. Improved safety.

・Digitization and seamlessness of maritime communications to share weather conditions.
→ Improved accuracy of weather and marine forecasts. Improved accuracy of fishing ground information. Improved navigation safety.