
【KYUDENKO CORPORATION】 Providing energy to realize a low-carbon society
・Kyocera Corporation and Kyudenko Corporation had established a new company, “Kyocera Green Innovation, LLC,” in June2023, which operate op arenewable energy service business for PPA on-site solar carports.”
We began full-scale business activities under this scheme in July 2023 and are working to popularize renewable energy and expand our business.
・Kyudenko Corporation has concleded a contract on-site power purchase agreement with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) at the Tanegashima Space Center (Minamitane-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture).
We have started to costruct the solar power plant this year.
・The “Air Conditioning Heat Source Control System with Artificial Inteligence” jointly developed with four companies: Kyudenko Corporation, Grid Co., Ltd., Fuji System Engineering Co., Ltd., and Automation Technology Co., Ltd., won the 2023 Energy Conservation Grand Prize sponsored by the “Energy Conservation Center, Japan”, a general incorporated foundation.
We jointly received the Energy Conservation Center Chairman’s Award in the “Product Business Model Category”.
‘Kyudenko Corporation Generai Affairs Department(PR) Tel+81(0)-92-523-1691