Fukuoka Prefecture



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  • Fukuoka Prefecture & Fukuoka City have been assigned as the “Special Zones for Financial and Asset Management Businesses”!
News Jun 14,2024

Fukuoka Prefecture & Fukuoka City have been assigned as the “Special Zones for Financial and Asset Management Businesses”!

On June 4th, 2024, the Financial Services Agency (FAS) announced the “Policy Package of Special Zones for Financial and Asset Management Businesses,” which was also jointly proposed by Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City on February 16th, 2024, and Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City were assigned as the Special Zones.

Publication of the “Policy Package Special Zones for Financial and Asset Management Businesses” (FSA website):https://www.fsa.go.jp/en/news/2024/20240604.html

Governor Hattori welcomed this announcement and stated, “We will create and strength a virtuous cycle (Ecosystem) in which funds are provided to growth industries and start-ups in the prefecture, such as biotechnology, semiconductors, hydrogen, automobiles, and space industries, which create added value, and the returned funds will attract new companies and lead to the growth of companies in the prefecture.”

The prefecture government will continue to work together with Fukuoka City government and “TEAM FUKUOKA” to promote the attraction of international financial functions and to realize “Fukuoka, the world’s choice”.

(Photo #1) Governor Hattori and Mayor Takashima at the opinion exchange meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office
(Photo #2) Overall view of the opinion exchange meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office